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Performing Arts

At Tahoma High School, we believe the arts are an integral part of a student's holistic education. We are proud to offer a wide array of performing arts classes and extracurriculars, where students can express themselves as artists and grow as human beings.

Choir Programs

There are nine choirs at Tahoma High School. Men's Choir and Women's Choir are open to all singers, Beginning Vocal Jazz is open to all students who are also enrolled in one of the other choirs, and the other four choirs are by audition only.

For more information about Tahoma High School's Choir Programs, please visit the Tahoma Choirs website:

Tahoma Choirs Website

Instrumental Programs

Theatre Arts

Tahoma High Schools offers both curricular and extracurricular opportunities in the theatre arts. Alongside classes such as acting, improv, theatre and others, students may also choose to participate in the nationally-renowned Tahoma Drama Club. Learn more about Tahoma's Theatre program at the Tahoma Drama Club website:

Tahoma Drama Club Website

Contact Information

Kenneth Riggs
Director of Choral Activities

Matthew Cole
Director of Instrumental Programs

Melissa Bean
Theatre Arts Teacher
Tahoma Drama Club Director

Melanie Barber
Asst. Orchestra Director

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