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Student Awards

Awards can highlight skills which are valued by employers and colleges. They can help demonstrate soft skills like teamwork, creativity and problem-solving abilities and are also great to include if you have little work experience and need to prove your abilities on an entry-level resume.

Awards students can earn at Tahoma High School

Perfect Attendance

Students with zero tardies or absences (including excused). Students can earn this award for the semester and year.

Student of Quarter

Students are nominated by teachers each quarter. They are recognized at the quarterly Student of the Month celebration in the Performing Arts Center and their picture is in the display case by the main office.

CTE Scholar

These awards recognize outstanding seniors in each area of Career and Technical Education. For more information, check with your CTE teachers; awarded at Senior Awards.

AP Scholar

These awards are based on criteria for the amount of exams taken and scores earned on those exams set by the College Board. Click here for more information. Students are recognized at an event with school board members in attendance. AP Scholars also receive red cords for graduation at Senior Awards.

President’s Volunteer Service Award

Students in any grade may earn this award for 50-100+ hours of community service. Students can earn the award up to four times, once for each year of high school. Click here for more information.

Awards for Graduating Seniors

Awarded at Senior Awards Night:

Valedictorian/Salutatorian - Medallion; seniors may apply for this award in the spring of their senior year; students are selected based on rigor of courses taken and grades. Class of 2025 application not yet available.

Distinguished Honors – Medallion; top 10% of class based on rank which is determined by GPA

Dual Diploma - Cords; students who earn both a THS diploma and an associate's degree through Running Start; students must fill out the Intent to Graduate form with their college to be recognized

Seal of Biliteracy - Cords; determined by student's performance on the World Language Proficiency Exams recognized by the State of Washington; students who earn the maximum of 4 credits

Department Awards - Selected by academic departments 

Distributed at Senior Checkout

Honors – Cords, 3.5 and above

National Honor Society – Gold Cords, Member of NHS | NHS website