Tahoma High School curriculum of over 200 unique courses offers students a well-balanced educational experience. Our school is proud of its reputation as a comprehensive high school, including academics, fine arts, career and technical pathways and co-curricular programs.
A number of programs are available for qualified juniors and seniors who wish to take college courses and earn credit at both the high school and college level. Advanced Placement and College in the High School classes provide students with the opportunity to get a head start on their post high school education. In addition, many career and technical courses are available both at our school and through the Puget Sound Skills Center (PSSC) for interested students.
Advanced Placement
The internationally recognized AP program is administered by the College Board with the purpose of exposing high school students to college-level coursework while still in high school. For each AP course, students can elect to take an optional exam in May for a fee. Exam fees are waived for those students who apply for and qualify for the district's free and reduced lunch program. Other funding for class fees may also be available for those in financial need; students should see the AP Coordinator, if finances are an issue.
AP Coordinator: Joscelyn Strasser,, room 209
Puget Sound Skills Center (PSSC)
PSSC offers 19 different programs. Students gain experience while engaging in hands on learning. At PSSC, students not only develop their passion for a career in the future, but they learn other skills of life. With all of the work that goes with each program's curriculum, students still manage to develop a portfolio, and complete several writing assessments throughout the year. While at PSSC, students earn high school credit and may have the option to earn college credits.
Students interested in PSSC are encouraged to visit the PSSC website to learn more about the different programs available. They should also schedule an appointment with their counselor to review credits and determine if they can earn all their graduation credits while participating in the PSSC program of their choice.
PSSC Information + Sample Schedule
Running Start
The Running Start program was created by the state legislature in the early 1990's as an opportunity for eligible high school juniors and seniors to earn college credit at community and technical colleges, tuition free. Books, fees, and transportation are the student's responsibility.
Students and families interested in the Running Start Program are strongly encouraged to attend our Running Start Information Event held in late February/early March of each year at High School & Beyond Night.
Learn More About Running Start
College in the High School
These courses allow Tahoma students the opportunity to take college classes without leaving the high school campus. Tahoma offers College in High School (CHS) courses through the University of Washington, Central Washington University, and Eastern Washington University. These are courses offered at Tahoma High School that are the same in content and expectations as those taught at the host college or university. Students taking these courses earn THS graduation credit and a THS letter grade. Those who wish to earn college credit must pay tuition to the host college or university, whose fees are subject to change.
The grade earned will transfer to the host college and to some other colleges and universities. Courses listed in the Washington 45 will be accepted at all Washington public colleges and universities, and at the majority of public and private universities in the U.S. Students are encouraged to check with the colleges and universities they are considering prior to paying the fee for these courses to ensure that the credit will be accepted.
College courses require more homework than general high school requirements and are more challenging to students. Students who are self-directed and committed to putting in out-of-class study time of up to 8 hours weekly will be the most successful. Careful planning is necessary before enrolling in multiple AP/CHS classes at a time. If you have questions or want more information about Tahoma's College in High School courses, please contact Kathryn Strojan, Future Ready Specialist,